Top-To-Bottom Chest Workout | Dylan Thomas

If you're serious about your upper body, you need this workout in your arsenal. You'll move heavy weight, thrash every muscle fiber, chase high volume, and leave the gym with nothing left!

Check Out the Full Chest Workout Article ► MuscleTech Supplements ► Deals of the Week ► athlete and elite bodybuilding coach Dylan Thomas doesn't always train chest on Monday, but when he does, he brings a workout that maximizes every mechanism of muscle growth, and hits every fiber from the top of the chest to the bottom.

"For my chest training, I like to focus on working top to bottom," he says. "That means we start on an incline, then move to flat, then move to things like decline or dips."

But that's not all he packs into this hour-long routine. Pre-exhaust? Check. Heavy weights for mechanical tension? Check. Supersets and burnouts for maximum muscle damage? Check and double-check.

Don't be fooled by the familiar movements and rep-ranges. This is advanced bodybuilding at its finest, and works best if you have big-time goals.

"I like to use this workout to cut down for a photo shoot or for contest prep," Thomas says.

| Dylan Thomas's Chest Routine |

1. Superset: 4 Sets

Machine Chest Fly - 12 reps

Incline Dumbbell Press - 12 reps

2. Barbell Incline Bench Press - 4 sets of 6 reps

3. Superset: 4 sets

Bent-Over Cable Fly - 12 reps

Bench Press - 8 reps

4. Triset: 4 sets

V-Bar Dip - 10 reps

Push-up 10 reps, with hands on push-up handles or DB's

Low-to-High Cable Fly - 10 reps

5. Dumbbell Fly - 3 sets of 12 reps


| Dylan Thomas's Essential MuscleTechSupplements |

MuscleTech NITRO-TECH 100% Whey Gold ► Each Scoop Serves Up 24G Of Ultra-Premium Micro-Filtered Protein

- Incredible Pure Protein Powder Featuring Whey Protein Peptides And Whey Protein Isolate

MuscleTech Platinum Multivitamin ► Advanced High-Potency Vitamins and Minerals

- 20 Vitamins and Minerals with 865mg of Amino Acids to Support General Health*

MuscleTech Vapor X5 Next Gen Pre-Workout ► 5-In-1 Pre-Workout Formula

- Designed To Enhance Muscle Strength And Recovery*

MuscleTech Amino Build Next Gen ► Clinically Dosed Performance Enhancing Bcaa Formula With Betaine

- Builds Muscle And Enhances Performance*


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Top-To-Bottom Chest Workout | Dylan Thomas Top-To-Bottom Chest Workout | Dylan Thomas Reviewed by Unknown on February 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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